UPDATE: Rochelle called WTBT$ HQ to about a marking talk for apostasy.....
The elder actually says that ANYONE can be a threat to the cong.....
Did verify it from Rochelle herself, the talk was given May 14th 2014
we have a version with our commentary: http://youtu.be/yn17rj_pyd4.
we also have an un-cut, un-edited version of the audio: http://youtu.be/pihfucr38sw.
asl version: http://youtu.be/dd635pqpdle.
UPDATE: Rochelle called WTBT$ HQ to about a marking talk for apostasy.....
The elder actually says that ANYONE can be a threat to the cong.....
Did verify it from Rochelle herself, the talk was given May 14th 2014
pretty interesting read.
especially since the one who sparked it is an unbaptized person.
Rochelle calls HQ's in New York is another one....
we have a version with our commentary: http://youtu.be/yn17rj_pyd4.
we also have an un-cut, un-edited version of the audio: http://youtu.be/pihfucr38sw.
asl version: http://youtu.be/dd635pqpdle.
Cedars: http://jwsurvey.org/cedars-blog/the-unbaptized-apostate-of-salem-massachusetts
we have a version with our commentary: http://youtu.be/yn17rj_pyd4.
we also have an un-cut, un-edited version of the audio: http://youtu.be/pihfucr38sw.
asl version: http://youtu.be/dd635pqpdle.
Yes. When we did our video she wasn't ready to reveal who she was, but she gave Cedars the go ahead and the full story.
as kid i remember a break of 15 minutes between the public talk and the wt study.
all the new ones and "weak" ones ran out to smoke.
loved to see the attendant round them up to come back in when the droning began again.
YEP! All the smokers would run outside to have a cigarette before the next part started.
you read about it here.
but, it still doesn't prepare you.. our hall passed a resolution to give about 15,000 to the wt.
Village girl: Some are and what is happening is they are immediately being 'taken care" of... Rochelle, studying with JW's, not even baptized started questioning and asked the COBE's wife that was studying with her and the very next week they had a marking talk about her for apostasy.
Cedars also did an article about her story: http://jwsurvey.org/cedars-blog/the-unbaptized-apostate-of-salem-massachusetts
we have a version with our commentary: http://youtu.be/yn17rj_pyd4.
we also have an un-cut, un-edited version of the audio: http://youtu.be/pihfucr38sw.
asl version: http://youtu.be/dd635pqpdle.
The talk was just given the week of May 12th we believe. It was right after they read the NEW DONATION arrangement letter on May 7th.
we have a version with our commentary: http://youtu.be/yn17rj_pyd4.
we also have an un-cut, un-edited version of the audio: http://youtu.be/pihfucr38sw.
asl version: http://youtu.be/dd635pqpdle.
Dazed but not confused: The way you can tell a difference is that at the end, the elder says thank you for letting us change up the meeting. This was NOT scheduled! There was no local needs scheduled for that night May 13/14th.
He was also very specific about some who are STUDYING and mentioned specifically someone sending emails & text contents. This is what started it between Rochelle & the C.O.B.E's wife [the one studying with her].
Cedars did an article telling her story.
we have a version with our commentary: http://youtu.be/yn17rj_pyd4.
we also have an un-cut, un-edited version of the audio: http://youtu.be/pihfucr38sw.
asl version: http://youtu.be/dd635pqpdle.
We have a version with our commentary: http://youtu.be/yN17RJ_pyd4
We also have an un-cut, un-edited version of the audio: http://youtu.be/pihfUcR38Sw
ASL version: http://youtu.be/dd635PQPdLE
been lurking for a while on here and thought i'd jump in.
a great deal of many thoughtful posts on here but have to say am a bit turned off with the 'rabid apostate' ones!.
my history- was raised in a divided household, mum converted to jw when pregnant with me back in 1970, dad was never jw but was supportive of taking us to meetings, assemblies etc.
WELCOME!!! I don't think I'm a 'rabid' apostate, but I do like to rant occasionally